Thursday, January 6, 2011

How to follow the Lord- worship

Alot of people at worship just stand there and maybe if they know the words. Other people sing along and maybecsway to the beat from time to time. But the best worshipers on are thier knees crying out to God or staning up with their hands fully raised yelling the lyrics on the top of their lungs. And it's great if you do the highst level while you are in worship with God at home. And even better if you do this at youth group or church. And if you know you don't do the highest level of worship at ether places that this is what im here for. First of all, WHAT ARE YOU DOING??? No, I'm serious. What are you doing. He is the lord god almighty and you are not in your fullest will worshiping? The one who made you perfectly the way you are? Think about a artist who crafts s beautiful bowl. Now he crafts this bowl with delecance and love. He makes every mark just how he wants it and spent months on it and when he is done, it is just the way he likes it and it is beautiful and perfect. Every mark unique in it's own way and it's delicace so fine and how the maker adors his artwork with plesure. Think and relate this to you and god. He cares for you and you can by the least worship him. If you read about Abreham, Moses, and SO many other people actuly give up there lifes for for god. John the Baptis gave his whole life to Jesus so that all could here about the prince of peace who is going to come so they could turn away from their sins and follow God. If you read throuh the bible you could find a million people who have gave up their lifes so that gods plan may be furfilled. They gave up all the dreams they had for gods major plan fir the world.

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